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Step-by-step purchase


  1. ​Find the desired product.

  2. Add the product to the shopping cart by clicking on the "Add to cart" symbol.

  3. Continue your search if you want to shop more.

  4. When finished, navigate to the "Go to Checkout" screen to continue with your purchase.

  5. Select payment method and shipping on the next screen.

  6. Enter customer details and any alternative delivery addresses and click "Continue".

  7. Confirm your order and the information provided.

  8. Click "Finish Purchase" to complete the purchase. Please note that your order will not be shipped until you have clicked this button and received an order confirmation from AIPOWER.

  9. You will receive an order confirmation to the e-mail address you specified under customer information.

  10. Please be aware that some goods may be made to order and therefore have a longer delivery time. We endeavor to provide information on the expected delivery time, but as we do not produce the goods ourselves, we cannot guarantee a specific delivery date. Furthermore, please note that AIPOWER reserves the right to adjust prices accordingly. 

  11. Please note that ordered goods are considered binding and cannot be canceled or returned after delivery, according to our trading conditions.

  12. Contact us on phone number +45 60 66 66 60 during opening hours or at if you have questions or need help. We will respond as soon as possible.

General information:


Trekanten 16

4200 Slagelse, Denmark

CVR: 43708759



Phone: + 45 26 25 82 22




Address: Odense, Denmark


CVR: 43708759



© 2023 by AIPOWER


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